Sunday, October 2, 2011

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Monday, April 4, 2011

Marth & Dennis: Wedding Dub

Big Thanks to Martha and Dennis for posing the other day in the backyard wedding theme. Here are some of my favorites from the shoot in both color and black and white.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Bridal Shoot

Hey everyone I took my girlfriend Michelle out to today to shoot a bridal/fashion shoot in NOHO. It was a great experience going out and shooting just outside a Catholic Church while people were whistling and cheering as they drove by, but through all the blushing we managed to get through it and here are some of the shots from the shoot. Thank you Michelle. 

Hollywood Boulevard:Old Meets New

Hollywood Boulevard: Old Meets New

                Hollywood Boulevard at night is an exciting place with a multicultural mix to go with an array of architecture both old and new. Hollywood’s rich history and thriving entertainment can be found on every corner of Hollywood Blvd. My pictures capture the colorful and exciting boulevard at night where people can be seen interacting with each other as trails from cars head and taillights streak by.    
Hollywood Boulevard has been around since the Mid-20th century. After becoming part of Los Angeles County the surrounding area is now part of L.A.’s historic heritage. Recently the main goal has been to try and clean up the old image during the 1950’s of runaways and crime on Hollywood Blvd. Hollywood and Highland shopping center was completed in 2001 to try and counteract this previous notion by bringing in modern stores and hotels. Also celebrities and their lookalikes can be found scurrying around the walk of fame and at the annual Academy Awards show.